art gallery manga Translate names into Japanese Kanji expression |
A | aburaage, aburage | 油揚げ、油揚 (kanji + hiragana, kanji)pronunciation | ![]() |
agemochi | 揚げ餅 (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | A snack food of deep-fried rice cake (mochi). | |
aho | アホ、阿呆 (katakana, kanji)pronunciation | Meaning idiot. The word is often said with feelings of the friendly feeling. | |
aikidou | 合気道 (kanji)pronunciation | A Japanese martial art which two athletes fight barehanded without using a weapon. | |
aiueo | あいうえお (hiragana)pronunciation | The Japanese syllabary system. Phonogram. | |
akachôchin | 赤提灯 (kanji)pronunciation | A Japanese-style cheap pub. | |
ama | 海女 (kanji)pronunciation | Women for collecting shellfish diving into the sea. | |
amaguri | 甘栗 (kanji)pronunciation | Meaning "sweet roasted chestnuts". | |
amanattô | 甘納豆 (kanji)pronunciation | The cake which boiled down a bean sweetly. | |
amazake | 甘酒 (kanji)pronunciation | A traditional sweet, low-alcohol drink. | |
amezaiku | 飴細工 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
an | 餡、あん (kanji, hiragana)pronunciation | Meaning "very sweet red bean paste". | |
andon | 行灯 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
anmitsu | あんみつ (hiragana)pronunciation | The cold cake which hung sugared water in red bean paste, agar, the rice cake. | |
anpan | あんパン (hiragana + katakana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
aonori | 青ノリ、青海苔 (kanji + katakana, kanji)pronunciation | A green laver powder. | |
arare | あられ (hiragana)pronunciation | A bite-sized Japanese rice cracker. | |
arigatô | ありがとう (hiragana)pronunciation | Meaning "thanks". | |
atsuage | 厚揚げ (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | A very thick aburaage (deep-fried tofu). | |
awabi | 鮑、あわび (kanji, hiragana)pronunciation | Meaning Abalone. | |
Awa odori | 阿波踊り (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
azuki bean, adzuki bean | 小豆、アズキ (kanji, katakana)pronunciation | A small crimson colored bean. | |
B | baka | バカ、馬鹿 (katakana, kanji)pronunciation | Meaning idiot. |
bancha | 番茶 (kanji)pronunciation | The low class tea which is harvested after having harvested "sencha". | |
banzai | 万歳 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
barazoku | 薔薇族 (kanji)pronunciation | The word to mean homosexuals of the man. | |
batta mon | バッタもん (katakana + hiragana)pronunciation | Products of non-regular. | |
benishôga | 紅生姜 (kanji)pronunciation | Red pickled ginger. | |
bentô | 弁当 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
bimajo | 美魔女 (kanji)pronunciation | The woman who keeps outstanding beauty middle-aged. | |
bishôjo | 美少女 (kanji)pronunciation | Meaning "beautiful young girl". | |
bishônen | 美少年 (kanji)pronunciation | Meaning "beautiful young boy". | |
biwa | 琵琶 (kanji)pronunciation | A Japanese four-stringed musical instrument like a lute. | |
boke | ボケ (katakana)pronunciation | Meaning "idiot". | |
bon odori | 盆踊り (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Dances of summer festival. | |
bonsai | 盆栽 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
botamochi | ぼたもち、牡丹餅 (kanji, hiragana)pronunciation | Sweets made with rice and sweet red bean paste. Also known as ohagi. | |
budô, bujutsu | 武道、武術 (kanji)pronunciation | The technique that a samurai learns for a fight. Judô, kendô and kyûdô. | |
bumbetsu gomi station | 分別ゴミステーション (kanji + katakana)pronunciation | Place to dispose of scrap that has been fractionated. | |
bunraku | 文楽 (kanji)pronunciation | A form of traditional Japanese puppet play. | |
burikko | ぶりっ子 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | A women to imitate the cute girl. | |
bushidô | 武士道 (kanji)pronunciation | The traditional military code of the samurai. | |
busu | ブス (katakana)pronunciation | A kind of abusing word. Meaning "Ugly-looking women". | |
butaman | 豚まん (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
byôbu | 屏風 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
C | chaku mero | 着メロ (kanji + katakana)pronunciation | A ringing melody for incoming calls. |
chanbara, chambara | チャンバラ (katakana)pronunciation | The battle action by the Japanese sword. | |
chanoyu | 茶の湯 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Also called sadou. The tea ceremony. | |
chashitsu | 茶室 (kanji)pronunciation | The small room that is used for tea ceremony. | |
chawan | 茶碗 (kanji)pronunciation | A ceramic bowl used for eating rice. | |
chawanmushi | 茶碗蒸し (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | One of the Japanese foods. The egg soup which it was sultry, and became hard. | |
chikuwa | チクワ、竹輪 (katakana, kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
chimaki | ちまき、粽 (hiragana, kanji)pronunciation | A traditional Japanese food, made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves. | |
chindon'ya | ちんどん屋 (katakana + kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
chirigami kôkan | チリ紙交換 (katakana + kanji)pronunciation | The supplier who takes over paper. They leave a tissue as an exchange. | |
chirimenjako | ちりめんじゃこ (hiragana)pronunciation | Dried young sardines. | |
chirimon | チリモン (katakana)pronunciation | Generic name of the small animals which got mixed with chirimenjako (dried young sardines). | |
chiyogami | 千代紙 (kanji)pronunciation | The small paper with the design of a Japanese-style design. | |
chôchin | 提灯 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
chonmage | ちょんまげ (hiragana)pronunciation | The hairstyle of the man who was common in the Edo era. | |
Chûshingura | 忠臣蔵 (kanji)pronunciation | The story of 47 subordinates to retaliate for the lord who committed harakiri. | |
D | dagashi | 駄菓子 (kanji)pronunciation | Cheap sweets of the unit price that children buy. |
daifukumochi | 大福餅 (kanji)pronunciation | Rice cake stuffed with sweetened bean jam. | |
daikon | 大根 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
daikon oroshi | 大根おろし (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Grated Japanese radish. | |
daiku | 第九 (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | The symphony ninth which Beethoven composed. Many concerts are held in December in Japan. | |
dajare | 駄洒落、ダジャレ (kanji, katakana)pronunciation | A pun. | |
dango | 団子 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
dangô | 談合 (kanji)pronunciation | Conference on the bidding. Collusion. | |
daruma | 達磨、ダルマ (kanji, katakana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
dashi | だし、出汁 (hiragana, kanji)pronunciation | A class of soup and cooking stock used in Japanese cuisine. | |
dashimaki | だし巻き (hiragana + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Rolled omelette. | |
depachika | デパ地下 (katakana + kanji)pronunciation | The underground Delicatessen section of the department store. | |
dohyô | 土俵 (kanji)pronunciation | The ring in which sumo wrestling bouts are held. | |
dôjou | 道場 (kanji)pronunciation | The holy place that the athlete of the martial arts takes a lesson of. | |
donburi | どんぶり、丼 (hiragana, kanji)pronunciation | A bowl of the ceramics to put rice and a side dish. | |
dorayaki | どら焼き (hiragana, hiragana + kanji + hiragana) pronunciation | The pancake which sandwiched red sweet bean paste. | |
dôsojin | 道祖神 (kanji)pronunciation | Stone statue and monument in the roadside. | |
dotakyan | ドタキャン (katakana)pronunciation | Last-minute cancellation. | |
dôyô | 童謡 (kanji)pronunciation | Songs that were made for children. | |
E | ebi furai | エビフライ (katakana)pronunciation | ![]() |
ebisen | えびせん (hiragana)pronunciation | A rice cracker with the powder of prawns. | |
ebiten | エビ天 (katakana + kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
ecchi, etchi | エッチ (katakana)pronunciation | Meaning "lewd", "sexy", "lascivious", or "naughty". | |
edamame | 枝豆 (kanji)pronunciation | The unripe soybean which was boiled. | |
ekiben | 駅弁 (kanji)pronunciation | Lunch pack that are selling at the station. | |
ekiden | 駅伝 (kanji)pronunciation | Field and track events to run a long distance in a relay. Road reley. | |
ekinaka | 駅ナカ (kanji + katakana)pronunciation | A retail shop found inside a railroad station. | |
ema | 絵馬 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
emoji | 絵文字 (kanji)pronunciation | An ideogram used in an electronic message or on a Web page. | |
enka | 演歌 (kanji)pronunciation | A genre of Japanese popular songs. A tragic nuance is strong in them. | |
eto | 干支 (kanji)pronunciation | A superstition to apply one year to one animal in a period for 12 years. | |
F | fu | 麩 (kanji)pronunciation | The food which was made from gluten of the flour. |
fudepen | 筆ペン (kanji + katakana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
fugu | 河豚、フグ (kanji,katakana)pronunciation | Meaning "globefish" or "swellfish". | |
fugu chôchin | ふぐ提灯 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Blowfish lantern. | |
fuki | 蕗、フキ (kanji, katakana)pronunciation | Butterbur. The wild grass which a bud and a stem can eat. | |
fukubukuro | 福袋 (kanji)pronunciation | Bargain products set which is sold with hiding the contents. | |
fukujinzuke | 福神漬 (kanji)pronunciation | Pickles which I soaked with soy sauce. | |
furikome sagi | 振り込め詐欺 (kanji + hiragana + kanji + hiragana + kanji) pronunciation | Money transfer fraud. | |
fûrin | 風鈴 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
furisode | 振袖 (kanji)pronunciation | A formal kimono for women. | |
furoshiki | 風呂敷 (kanji)pronunciation | Cloths of a square for packing. | |
fûryu | 風流 (kanji)pronunciation | The words indicating a casual sense of beauty. | |
fusuma | 襖 (kanji)pronunciation | Panels which divides a room. It slides aside, and a person goes in and out. | |
futon | 布団 (kanji)pronunciation | A thick mattress for a person to sleep. | |
G | gachapon | ガチャポン (katakana)pronunciation | ![]() |
gagaku | 雅楽 (kanji)pronunciation | A type of Japanese classical music. | |
gaijin | 外人 (kanji)pronunciation | A Japanese word meaning "foreigner" or "outsider". | |
ganmodoki | がんもどき (hiragana)pronunciation | A fried tofu fritter. | |
gari | ガリ (katakana)pronunciation | A type of pickled vegetables. It is sweet, thinly sliced young ginger. | |
geisha, geiko | 芸者、芸子 (kanji)pronunciation | Female entertainers who offers an entertainment to the visitor drinking liquor. | |
genmaicha | 玄米茶 (kanji)pronunciation | The green tea which blended roast brown rice. | |
geta | 下駄 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
ginjôshu | 吟醸酒 (kanji)pronunciation | The sake which was made from good-quality rice. | |
ginnan | 銀杏、ギンナン (kanji, katakana)pronunciation | Meaning "ginkgo nuts". | |
giri choko | 義理チョコ (kanji + katakana)pronunciation | A ceremonious present (chocolate). | |
go, igo | 碁(囲碁) (kanji)pronunciation | A strategic board game for two players. | |
gobô | 牛蒡、ゴボウ (kanji, katakana)pronunciation | Greater burdock, edible burdock, or lappa burdock. | |
goboten | ゴボ天 (katakana + kanji)pronunciation | Tenpura of burdock root. | |
gohan | ご飯 (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Meaning "boiled rice". | |
Gokuraku | 極楽 (kanji)pronunciation | Shangri-la on the sky. | |
goriyaku | ご利益 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Divine favor. | |
goshuin | 御朱印 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
gôya, gôyâ | ゴーヤ、ゴーヤー (katakana, katakana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
gozan okuribi | 五山送り火 (kanji + hiragana + kanji) pronunciation | ![]() | |
Glico no omake | グリコのおまけ (katakana + hiragana) pronunciation | Toys associated with the caramel of Glico. | |
gyokuro | 玉露 (kanji)pronunciation | A fine and expensive type of green tea. | |
gyôza | ギョーザ、餃子 (katakana, kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
gyûdonn | 牛丼 (kanji)pronunciation | The dish which beef was put on on rice. | |
gyûhi | ぎゅうひ、求肥 (hiragana, kanji)pronunciation | Generic name for Japanese confectionery kneaded. | |
gyûsuji | 牛スジ (kanji + katakana)pronunciation | Fibrous beef. | |
H | haiku | 俳句 (kanji)pronunciation | A 17-sylable poem. |
hakusai | 白菜 (kanji)pronunciation | The vegetables which resemble cabbage. The leaf is soft and is delicious. | |
hamaru | ハマる (katakana + hiragana)pronunciation | Meaning "indulge in". | |
hampen | はんぺん (hiragana)pronunciation | A white, square shaped surimi product. | |
hanabiramochi | 花びら餅 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
hanami | 花見 (kanji)pronunciation | The Japanese traditional custom of enjoying the beauty of flowers. | |
hanashika | 噺家 (kanji)pronunciation | Professional Rakugo storyteller. Also known as rakugoka. | |
haniwa | 埴輪 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
hannari | はんなり (hiragana)pronunciation | It is gorgeous and is refined. | |
harakiri | ハラキリ (katakana)pronunciation | The own death of the samurai. Also known as "seppuku". | |
harumaki | 春巻き (kanji)pronunciation | The deep-fried food which was wrapped in rice paper. | |
hashioki | 箸置き (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Small tableware to put chopsticks on. | |
hatsumôde | 初詣 (kanji)pronunciation | A custom to pray at the Shinto shrine at the beginning of one year. | |
henohenomoheji | へのへのもへじ (hiragana)pronunciation | The face which is drawn by a hiragana letter. | |
henohenomoheno | へのへのもへの (hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
henro | 遍路 (kanji)pronunciation | A pilgrim. People around the temples and shrines of Shikoku. | |
hentai | 変態 (kanji)pronunciation | Meaning "Pervert". People with curious sexual habits. | |
hetauma | ヘタウマ (katakana)pronunciation | The attractive work which is not technical. | |
hidoko | 火床 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
hijiki | ヒジキ (katakana)pronunciation | A brown sea vegetable growing wild on rocky coastlines. | |
hikido | 引き戸 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Door that is opened and closed by sliding. | |
hikikomori | 引きこもり (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Young adults who withdraw from social life. | |
hinamatsuri | 雛祭り (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | An event to display a doll on March 3. | |
hina ningyô | 雛人形 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
hinatabokko | ひなたぼっこ (hiragana)pronunciation | Basking in the sun. | |
hinoki | ヒノキ (katakana)pronunciation | Japanese cypress. It smells nice. | |
Hinomaru | 日の丸 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | The flag that was painted red sun on a white. It is not the Japanese flag legally. | |
hinoyôjin | 火の用心 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Looking out for fire. | |
hiragana | ひらがな、平仮名 (hiragana, kanji)pronunciation | A Japanese syllabary, one component of the Japanese writing system. | |
hiyamugi | 冷や麦 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Thin wheat noodles cooled on ice. | |
hôgaku | 邦楽 (kanji)pronunciation | Music of a traditional Japanese-style. | |
hôko | 這子 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
hokora | 祠、ほこら (kanji, hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
hokoten | ホコ天 (katakana + kanji)pronunciation | Vehicle-free promenade. | |
honjôzôshu | 本醸造酒 (kanji)pronunciation | Sake to which an amount of jouzou alcohol (distilled alcohol) has been added to create a smoother and lighter flavor. | |
horumon yaki | ホルモン焼き (katakana + kanji + hiragana) pronunciation | Cuisine of visceral. | |
hoshigaki | 干し柿 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
hoshiimo | 干しイモ (kanji + hiragana + katakana) pronunciation | A dried stem of a taro plant. | |
hyakkin | 百均 (kanji)pronunciation | Grocery shop of one hundred yen goods. | |
hyakkiyakô | 百鬼夜行 (kanji)pronunciation | A concept in Japanese folklore. Night parade of one hundred demons. | |
hyaku monogatari | 百物語 (kanji)pronunciation | 100 Candles Game. Round of one hundred ghost stories at night. | |
hyakunin isshu | 百人一首 (kanji)pronunciation | A classical Japanese anthology of one hundred Japanese waka by one hundred poets. | |
hyôshigi | 拍子木 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
hyottoko | ひょっとこ、火男 (hiragana, kanji)pronunciation | The character have different eye size between left and right eyes, often wearing a scarf around his head. | |
I | iaijutsu | 居合術 (kanji)pronunciation | Japanese martial art of drawing the sword. |
ice monaka | アイスモナカ (katakana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
ichigo daifuku | いちご大福 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | It is the cake with the strawberry to the rice cake which I wrapped bean jam in. | |
ichirinzashi | 一輪挿し (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | A single‐flower vase. | |
igo | 囲碁 (kanji)pronunciation | Another name for Go (board game). | |
ika ring | イカリング (katakana)pronunciation | The cuttlefish which I cut into round slices. | |
ikayaki | イカ焼き、烏賊焼 (katakana + kanji + hiragana, kanji) pronunciation | The roasted cuttlefish. Or the okonomiyaki with the cuttlefish. | |
ikebana | 生け花 (kanj + hiragana + kanjii)pronunciation | The Japanese art of flower arrangement, also known as kado. | |
ikemen | イケメン (katakana) | Good-looking man. | |
iki | 粋 (kanji)pronunciation | A traditional aesthetic ideal of human behavior or volition in Japan, roughly "chic, stylish". | |
imagawayaki | 今川焼き (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | The pancake which sandwiched adzuki bean. | |
imokenpi | 芋けんぴ (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Traditional Japanese snack food. Sweet potato sliced and fried in oil. | |
inarizushi | 稲荷寿司 (kanji)pronunciation | A kind of the sushi. It is wrapped in fried tofu. | |
inubaka | 犬ばか (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
ippon | 一本 (kanji)pronunciation | The words that an umpire issues when one athlete got a point by the martial arts. | |
irootoko | 色男 (kanji)pronunciation | Meaning "Handsome man". | |
iroha karuta | いろはカルタ (hiragana + katakana)pronunciation | A Japanese card game. The game that the person who found a read card gets a point. | |
irohanihoheto | いろはにほへと (hiragana)pronunciation | The Japanese alphabet. | |
ishiyaki imo | 石焼きイモ (kanji + hiragana + katakana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
itamae | 板前 (kanji)pronunciation | A chef of the Japanese food. | |
itasha | 痛車 (kanji)pronunciation | Decorative wrapping cars. | |
itawasa | 板わさ (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Sliced kamaboko with shouyu and wasabi. | |
itokonnyaku | 糸こんにゃく (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | The konjac (the genus Amorphophallus) which was cut thin. | |
izakaya | 居酒屋 (kanji)pronunciation | A Japanese-style pub. A Japanese tapas bar. | |
J | janome gasa | 蛇の目傘 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | The umbrella with the midmost big circle design. |
jidai geki | 時代劇 (kanji)pronunciation | Movies and dramas in Japan was the stage of the Edo period. | |
jinbei, jinbe | 甚平 (kanji)pronunciation | A kind of the home wear for Japanese men. | |
jinrikisha | 人力車 (kanji)pronunciation | Also called "rickshaw" or "rikisha". | |
jitte | 十手 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
jizô | 地蔵 (kanji)pronunciation | Stone statue. The guardian deity of children. | |
Jômon doki | 縄文土器 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
jôruri | 浄瑠璃 (kanji)pronunciation | The narrative ballad that is played with the music of the shamisen. | |
jôshinko | 上新粉、上糝粉 (kanji, kanji)pronunciation | Powder from nonglutinous rice. | |
joya no kane | 除夜の鐘 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | The bell of a temple sounded on the last day of the year. | |
jûdô | 柔道 (kanji)pronunciation | Stylized competition of martial arts. | |
jûji shuriken | 十字手裏剣 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
jûnishi | 十二支 (kanji)pronunciation | Twelve signs of the Oriental Zodiac. | |
junmaishu | 純米酒 (kanji)pronunciation | Sake which was made with only rice and malted rice. | |
K | kabayaki | 蒲焼き (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | The fish which the body was opened and skewered it, and was grilled. Sweet sauce is attached to it. |
kabuki | 歌舞伎 (kanji)pronunciation | The highly stylised classical Japanese dance-drama. | |
kadô | 華道 (kanji)pronunciation | The Japanese art of flower arrangement. | |
kagami-mochi | 鏡餅 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
kagura | 神楽 (kanji)pronunciation | A Japanese word referring to a specific type of Shintô theatrical dance. | |
kaijû | 怪獣 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
kairo | 懐炉、カイロ (kanji, katakana)pronunciation | A warmer of the pocket size. | |
kaiseki | 懐石 (kanji)pronunciation | A traditional multi-course Japanese dinner. | |
kaiten zushi | 回転寿司、回転ずし (kanji, kanji+ hiragana)pronunciation | Inexpensive sushi served on a conveyor belt. | |
kaizen | 改善 (kanji)pronunciation | An action to reduce waste thoroughly. | |
kakejiku | 掛け軸 (kanji+ hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
kaki | 柿 (kanji)pronunciation | Persimmon. | |
kakiage | かき揚げ (hiragana + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | The tempura which blended material of the inside. | |
kakifurai | カキフライ (katakana)pronunciation | Meaning "fried oyster". | |
kakigôri | かき氷 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Shaved ice. | |
kakimochi | かきもち (hiragana)pronunciation | Also known as arare or okaki. | |
kakinotane | 柿の種 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Arare resembled to a persimmon seed. | |
kakipî | かきピー (hiragana + katakana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
kamaboko | 蒲鉾、かまぼこ (kanji,hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
kamatoto | カマトト (katakana)pronunciation | Pretending to be innocent. | |
kamikaze | 神風 (kanji)pronunciation | It means a suicide attack. | |
kamishibai | 紙芝居 (kanji)pronunciation | The story that is provided to children by a picture and the talk. | |
kanban | 看板 (kanji)pronunciation | The original meaning is outdoor advertising. It also means a thing guaranteeing social position. | |
kanikama | カニかま (katakana + hiragana)pronunciation | A processed food in imitation of the meat of the crab. | |
kanimiso | 蟹味噌 (kanji)pronunciation | Crab guts paste. | |
kanji | 漢字 (kanji)pronunciation | The ideograph which is used in Japan and China. | |
kanroni | 甘露煮 (kanji)pronunciation | Food stewed in soy sauce and sugar. | |
Kansai ben | 関西弁 (kanji)pronunciation | Dialect of the Kansai area. | |
kanten | 寒天 (kanji)pronunciation | Meaning "agar". A gelatinous substance derived from seaweed. | |
kanzashi | かんざし、簪 (hiragana, kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
kappa | 河童、カッパ (kanji, katakana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
kappa maki | カッパ巻き (katakana + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | A makizushi where a cucumber is in. | |
karaage | 唐揚げ (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Deep-fried food without batter. | |
karakusa moyô | 唐草模様 (kanji)pronunciation | Arabesque design. | |
karaoke | カラオケ (katakana)pronunciation | The entertainment apparatus which adds accompaniment to a song. | |
karashi | 辛子、からし (kanji, hiragana)pronunciation | A type of mustard used as a condiment or as a seasoning in Japanese cuisine. | |
karate | 空手 (kanji)pronunciation | The Japanse martial art of unarmed self-defence. | |
karintô | かりんとう (hiragana ,kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
karôshi | 過労死 (kanji)pronunciation | Meaning "overwork death”. | |
karuta | カルタ (katakana)pronunciation | A Japanese card game. Referring to "iroha karuta". | |
katori senkô | 蚊取り線香 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
katsu | カツ (katakana)pronunciation | A deep-fried cutlet. | |
katsubushiko | 鰹節粉 (kanji)pronunciation | Powder of katsuobushi. | |
katsudon | カツ丼 (katakana + kanji)pronunciation | A bowl of rice topped with a deep-fried pork cutlet, egg, vegetables, and condiments. | |
katsuobushi | 鰹節、かつおぶし (kanji, hiragana)pronunciation | The solid seasoning which is prepared the bonito into as raw materials. It is sharpened thinly and is used. It is the hardest food in the world. | |
kawaî | 可愛い (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Meaning "cute", "pretty". | |
kaya | 蚊帳 (kanji)pronunciation | A mosquito net. | |
kayabuki | 茅葺き (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Thatching a roof with grass. | |
kayari buta | 蚊遣り豚 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
kayôkyoku | 歌謡曲 (kanji)pronunciation | One of the genres of popular music of Japan. | |
kazunoko | 数の子 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Herring roe. | |
keiretsu | 系列 (kanji)pronunciation | A set of companies with interlocking business relationships and shareholdings. | |
keirin | 競輪 (kanji)pronunciation | A track cycling event in which racing cyclists sprint for victory. | |
kendô | 剣道 (kanji)pronunciation | A modern Japanese martial art of sword-fighting based on traditional Japanese swordsmanship, or Kenjutsu. | |
kikizake | 利き酒 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Judging the quality of sake from features including its fragrance, dryness and acidity. | |
kiku | 菊 (kanji)pronunciation | Meaning "chrysanthemum". | |
kimoi | キモい (katakana + hiragana)pronunciation | Creepy. Unsightly. | |
kimono | 着物 (kanji)pronunciation | The national costume of Japan. Originally the word "kimono" literally meant "thing to wear". | |
kinako | きなこ、黄な粉 (hiragana, kanji + hiragana + kanji) pronunciation | Soybean flour. | |
kingyo | 金魚 (kanji)pronunciation | Meaning "goldfish". | |
kingyo sukui | 金魚すくい (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
kintarô ame | 金太郎飴 (kanji)pronunciation | A candy cylindrical visible in the cross-sectional face of "Kintarô". | |
kirigami | 切り紙 (kanji + katakana + kanji)pronunciation | Craft to shape by cutting the paper. | |
kôban | 交番 (kanji)pronunciation | Japanese police box. | |
kobucha | 昆布茶 (kanji)pronunciation | A beverage called tangle seaweed drink. | |
kofun | 古墳 (kanji)pronunciation | Ancient king's tombs. tumulus. | |
koharu biyori | 小春日和 (kanji)pronunciation | Indian Summer. | |
koi | 鯉 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
koibana | 恋バナ (kanji + katakana)pronunciation | A confession about love. | |
koi nobori | 鯉のぼり (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
kôji | 麹 (kanji)pronunciation | Microorganism (Mold) to make sake. | |
kokeshi | こけし (hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
kôkin | 抗菌 (kanji)pronunciation | Antibacterial. | |
Kokkuri-san | コックリさん (katakana + hiragana)pronunciation | Table-turning game. | |
komainu | 狛犬 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
kombu, konbu | 昆布 (kanji)pronunciation | Edible kelp. | |
komike | コミケ (katakana)pronunciation | Abbreviation of comic market. Events that self-publication of the cartoon is sold. | |
komishô | コミ障 (katakana + kanji)pronunciation | Communication disorder. | |
komusô | 虚無僧 (kanji)pronunciation | A Japanese mendicant monk. | |
konbini | コンビニ (katakana)pronunciation | Abbreviation of “Convenience store”. | |
konnyaku | 蒟蒻、こんにゃく (kanji, hiragana)pronunciation | Devil's tongue yam. | |
konnichiwa | こんにちは (hiragana)pronunciation | Meaning "Hello". | |
kosupure (cosplay) | コスプレ (katakana)pronunciation | Performance that mimics the particular person. | |
koto | 琴 (kanji)pronunciation | Musical instrument sounds when playing the chord. | |
kotodama | 言霊 (kanji)pronunciation | The Japanese belief that mystical powers dwell in words and names. Meaning "Spirit of language". | |
kukuri zaru | くくり猿 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
kunai | くない (hiragana) | ![]() | |
kunoichi | くノ一 (hiragana + katakana + kanji)![]() | ![]() | |
kuro obi | 黒帯 (kanji)pronunciation | Black cloth belt. In a grade of the judo, the person who is higher than the first grade wears it. | |
kushi katsu | 串カツ (kanji + katakana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
kusudama | くす玉 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Decorative banner dropped from the ceiling. | |
kuzumochi | 葛餅 (kanji)pronunciation | Sweets made of arrowroot starch and sweet red bean paste. | |
kuzuyu | 葛湯、くず湯 (kanji, hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | A sweet Japanese beverage produced by adding kudzu flour to hot water. | |
kwaidan, kaidan | 怪談 (kanji)pronunciation | Japanese ghost story or horror story. | |
kyaraben, chara-ben | キャラ弁 (katakana + kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
kyôgen | 狂言 (kanji)pronunciation | The stage comedy traditional in Japan. | |
kyûdou | 弓道 (kanji)pronunciation | Japanese-style archery as martial art. | |
M | ma | 間 (kanji)pronunciation | Time blank that is essential to the entertainment and art. |
machiya | 町家、町屋 (kanji, kanji)pronunciation | Traditional wooden townhouses found throughout Japan and typified in the historical capital of Kyoto. | |
maid cafe, meido kafe | メードカフェ (katakana)pronunciation | Coffee shop that clerks are wearing the uniform of maid. | |
maiko | 舞妓 (kanji)pronunciation | Traditional dancing girls who entertain guest at Japanese-style banquets. | |
makizushi | 巻き寿司 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Sushi wrapped in seaweed paper. | |
mamachari | ママチャリ (katakana)pronunciation | Meaning "city cycle". A bicycle that young mothers mainly ride. | |
mamedanuki, mameda, mameta | 豆狸 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
manekineko | 招き猫 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
manga | 漫画、マンガ (kanji, katakana)pronunciation | Comics and print cartoons. | |
manjû | まんじゅう、饅頭 (hiragana, kanji)pronunciation | A traditional confection that made from flour, rice powder and buckwheat and a filling of red bean paste, made from boiled azuki beans and sugar. | |
manzai | 漫才 (kanji)pronunciation | A traditional style of stand-up comedy in Japanese culture, which usually involves two performers. | |
manzaishi | 漫才師 (kanji)pronunciation | Manzai performers. | |
masu | 升 (kanji)pronunciation | A wooden square box for measuring the grain. | |
matcha, maccha | 抹茶 (kanji)pronunciation | Tea powder. Drink by pouring hot water. | |
matsutake | マツタケ、松茸 (katakana, kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
mayoke | 魔除け (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
medamayaki | 目玉焼き (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Two eggs sunny‐side up. | |
melonpan | メロンパン (katakana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
mentaiko | 明太子 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
mezashi | メザシ (katakana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
mikado | 帝 (kanji)pronunciation | Emperor of Japan. | |
miko | 巫女 (kanji)pronunciation | Women to serve God at the shrine. | |
mikoshi | みこし、神輿 (hiragana,kanji)pronunciation | Shrine of the mobile to be used in the parade. | |
minazuki | 水無月 (kanji)pronunciation | Sweets made of arrowroot starch, red bean paste and rice flour. | |
min'yô | 民謡 (kanji)pronunciation | Japanese folk ballad. | |
mirin | みりん、味醂 (hiragana,kanji)pronunciation | An essential condiment used in Japanese cuisine, consisting of 50% sugar. | |
miso | みそ、味噌 (hiragana,kanji)pronunciation | Fermented food made from soybean, kôji and salt. | |
miso soup, misoshiru | みそ汁、味噌汁 (hiragana + kanji,kanji)pronunciation | Meaning "Miso soup". A Japanese culinary staple. | |
mitarashi dango | みたらし団子 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
mitsumame | みつまめ (hiragana)pronunciation | Sweet confectionery fruit and agar jelly entered. | |
miyabi | 雅 (kanji)pronunciation | The traditional Japanese aesthetic ideals. | |
mochi | 餅、モチ (kanji, katakana)pronunciation | A Japanese rice cake made of glutinous rice. | |
mochiko | もち粉 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Rice flour (also rice powder). | |
moe | 萌え (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Strong attachment to Characters. | |
mokugyo | 木魚 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
momiji | 紅葉 (kanji)pronunciation | Maple leaf that is browned red in fall. | |
monaka | 最中、モナカ (kanji, katakana)pronunciation | A kind of sweets. Bean paste is in the inside of the wafer. | |
mono no aware | もののあはれ (hiragana)pronunciation | A Japanese term for the awareness of impermanence (mujou), or transience of things, and a gentle sadness (or wistfulness) at their passing. | |
mononke | 物の怪 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Evil spirits. | |
motsu yaki | モツ焼き (katakana + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Roast giblet. | |
mottainai | もったいない、勿体ない (hiragana, kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Feeling reluctant that goods and people are not valued. | |
mozuku | もずく (hiragana)pronunciation | A kind of edible seaweed. | |
mugicha | 麦茶 (kanji)pronunciation | Meaning "roasted barley tea". | |
mugikogashi | 麦こがし (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | A flour made by parching and then grinding barley. Also called "hattaiko". | |
N | nabemono | 鍋物 (kanji)pronunciation | Generic name of the dish using pot. |
nagashibina | 流し雛 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
nagashi sômen | 流しそうめん (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Noodles that are poured into a gutter with water and eaten with chopsticks. | |
naginata | なぎなた、長刀 (hiragana, kanji)pronunciation | Single-edged spear. | |
nagomu | 和む (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Feel completely peaceful. | |
namahage | なまはげ (hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
namazake | 生酒 (kanji)pronunciation | Unpasteurized sake. | |
nameko | なめこ (hiragana)pronunciation | A small, amber-brown mushroom. | |
naniwabushi | 浪花節 (kanji)pronunciation | Entertainment to tell the story to the shamisen accompaniment. Also called "rôkyoku". | |
narutomaki | 鳴戸巻き (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
nattô | 納豆 (kanji)pronunciation | Fermented soybeans. | |
neaka | ネアカ (katakana)pronunciation | Cheerful personality. | |
negima | ねぎま (kanji)pronunciation | Dish of tuna and onion served hot in a pot. | |
nekama | ネカマ (katakana)pronunciation | A man posing as a woman on the net. | |
neko cafe | 猫カフェ (kanji + katakana)pronunciation | The coffee shop which enjoys the contact with the cat. | |
nekura | ネクラ (katakana)pronunciation | Dismal guy personality. | |
nemawashi | 根回し (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Pre-conditioning. | |
nenbutsu, nembutsu | 念仏 (kanji)pronunciation | A term commonly seen in the Pure Land school of Mahayana Buddhism. | |
nerikarashi | 練りからし (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Mustard paste. | |
nerikomi | 練り込み (kanji + hiragana + kanji + hiragana) pronunciation | A kind of pottery technique in Japan. | |
neta | ネタ (katakana)pronunciation | A small episode that produce laughter. | |
netsuke | 根付 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
niboshi | 煮干し (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Dried baby sardines. It is used as a soup seasoning. | |
nigiri meshi | 握り飯 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Also known as onigiri (omusubi, rice balls). | |
Nihon | 日本 (kanji)pronunciation | Japan. Also called "Nippon". | |
Nihon buyô | 日本舞踊、日舞 (kanji, kanji)pronunciation | Japanes-style dances. Also called "nichibu". | |
nihonga | 日本画 (kanji)pronunciation | Paintings that have been made in accordance with traditional Japanese artistic conventions, techniques and materials. | |
nihongami | 日本髪 (kanji)pronunciation | Hair style of old Japanese woman. | |
nihongo | 日本語 (kanji)pronunciation | Japanese language. | |
nihonshoku | 日本食 (kanji)pronunciation | Japanese traditional meal. An example: Sushii, tempura. Also known as "washoku". | |
nihonshu | 日本酒 (kanji)pronunciation | An alcoholic beverage of Japanese origin that is made from fermented rice. Also known as sake. | |
Nihon teien | 日本庭園 (kanji)pronunciation | Japanes-style gardens. | |
nihontô | 日本刀 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
nikujaga | 肉じゃが (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Japanese cuisine with stewed meat, potatoes, thread konjac, etc. | |
ningyô jôruri | 人形浄瑠璃 (kanji)pronunciation | Japanese puppet theatre in which recited narrative and dialog is accompanied by a shamisen. Also known as "bunraku". | |
ninja | 忍者 (kanji)pronunciation | A warrior specially trained in a variety of unorthodox arts of war. | |
ninjutsu | 忍術 (kanji)pronunciation | Combat surgery unorthodox manner by ninja. | |
nishikigoi | 錦鯉 (kanji)pronunciation | Ornamental varieties of carp. | |
noh, nô | 能 (kanji)pronunciation | A kind of classic stage drama that played it with a mask. | |
nohmen, nômen | 能面 (kanji)pronunciation | Mask used in a Noh play. | |
nonke | ノン気 (katakana + kanji)pronunciation | Heterosexual, a straight person. | |
noren | 暖簾、のれん (kanji, hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
nori | 海苔、ノリ (kanji,katakana)pronunciation | Edible seaweed that is processed into a sheet. | |
norimaki | 海苔巻き (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Sushi wrapped in seaweed. | |
noritsuki fusen | 糊つき付箋、ノリつきふせん (kanji + hiragana + kanji, katakana + hiragana) pronunciation | ![]() | |
noroi no wara ningyô | 呪いの藁人形 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
nyotaimori | 女体盛り (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | The practice of serving sashimi or sushi from the body of a woman, typically naked. It is not Japanese manners and customs. | |
O | ochazuke | お茶漬け (hiragana + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Simple dishes just put the tea and seasoning to rice. |
oden | おでん (hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
ôgi | 扇 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
ohagi | おはぎ (hiragana)pronunciation | A springtime treat made with rice and sweet red bean paste. Also known as "botamochi". | |
ohayô | おはよう、お早う (hiragana, hiragana + kanji + hiragana) pronunciation | Good Morning. | |
oiran | 花魁 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
okaki | おかき (hiragana)pronunciation | Baked rice cake. Also known as "kakimochi". | |
okama | おかま (hiragana)pronunciation | Gay in Japan. | |
okara | おから (hiragana)pronunciation | Dregs that made tôfu from soy. | |
okayu | おかゆ (hiragana)pronunciation | Rice porridge. | |
okonomiyaki | お好み焼き (hiragana + kanji + hiragana + kanji + hiragana) pronunciation | Pancakes put plenty of meat and vegetables. | |
omamori | お守り (hiragana + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
omikuji | おみくじ (hiragana)pronunciation | Random fortunes written on strips of paper at Shintô shrines and Buddhist temples in Japan. | |
omotenashi | おもてなし (hiragana)pronunciation | The spirit of hospitality. | |
omu-rice | オムライス (katakana)pronunciation | An example of contemporary Japanese cuisine consisting of an omelette made with fried rice and usually topped with ketchup. | |
oni | 鬼 (kanji)pronunciation | Creatures from Japanese folklore, variously translated as demons, devils, ogres or trolls. | |
onigiri (nigiri meshi) | おにぎり (hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
onmyôji | 陰陽師 (kanji)pronunciation | One of the classifications of civil servants belonging to the Bureau of Onmyô in ancient Japan's ritsuryô system. People with this title were professional practitioners of onmyodo. | |
onsen | 温泉 (kanji)pronunciation | Bathhouse facility using the hot water springs from the ground. A hot spring. A spa. | |
origami | 折り紙 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
osechi | おせち (hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
osonae | お供え (hiragana + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Foods and drinks to be provided to the God or Buddha. | |
ossu | 押忍、オッス (kanji, katakana)pronunciation | Greeting used between close male friends. | |
otaku | オタク (katakana)pronunciation | People who indulge in a particular object each. Meaning "nerds". | |
otohime | 音姫 (kanji)pronunciation | Melody or flushing sound played by a Japanese toilet to mask excretion sounds. | |
otokomae | 男前 (kanji)pronunciation | Meaning "Handsome man". | |
otoshidama | お年玉 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | New Year's manetary gift that presented to children. | |
oyaji gag | 親父ギャグ (kanji + katakana)pronunciation | Silly sllier silliest gag. | |
oyako donburi | 親子丼 (kanji)pronunciation | Bowl dish topped with chicken and eggs. | |
oyama | 女形 (kanji)pronunciation | Male actor who plays the role of women. | |
oyatsu | おやつ (hiragana)pronunciation | An afternoon snack. | |
P | pachinko | パチンコ (katakana)pronunciation | A Japanese gaming device. Japanese pinball games. It is available in specialty stores. |
panko | パン粉 (katakana + kanji)pronunciation | Things like breadcrumbs. | |
pasokon | パソコン (katakana)pronunciation | Meaning "PC". | |
pongashi | ポン菓子 (katakana + kanji)pronunciation | Confectionery inflated rice. | |
ponzu | ポン酢 (katakana + kanji)pronunciation | A citrus-based sauce commonly used in Japanese cuisine. | |
purikura | プリクラ (katakana)pronunciation | The machine that print your portrait photo on Sealed paper. Print Club. | |
R | rakkyô | 辣韮、らっきょう (kanji, hiragana)pronunciation | A kind of allium. Shallot bulbs. |
rakugo | 落語 (kanji)pronunciation | Verbal entertainment in Japan. It is played by a entertainer who sit on the cushion. | |
rakugoka | 落語家 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
renkon | レンコン、蓮根 (katakana, kanji)pronunciation | Meaning "lotus root". | |
renku | 連句 (kanji)pronunciation | Relay event of haiku. | |
rikishi | 力士 (kanji)pronunciation | Sumô wrestler. | |
roji | 露地、路地 (kanji, kanji)pronunciation | An alley. A blind alley. Also called "rôji". | |
rôkyoku | 浪曲 (kanji)pronunciation | Narrative telling story on stage accompanied by a shamisen player. Also called "naniwabushi". | |
rotenburo | 露天風呂 (kanji)pronunciation | Meaning "outdoor baths". | |
S | sabazushi | サバ寿司 (katakana + kanji)pronunciation | A pressed sushi that topped vinegared mackerel slices. |
sadô | 茶道 (kanji)pronunciation | Ceremony to enjoy the tea. Also called "chanoyu". | |
saisen bako | 賽銭箱 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
sake | 酒 (kanji)pronunciation | The name for this specific Japanese beverage made from rice. | |
sakura | 桜 (kanji)pronunciation | Cherry blossoms or cherry trees. | |
sakura fubuki | 桜吹雪 (kanji)pronunciation | Blizzard of falling cherry blossoms. | |
sakuramochi | 桜餅 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
samurai | 侍、サムライ (kanji, katakana)pronunciation | Japanese knight. | |
sandô | 参道 (kanji)pronunciation | An approach to a shrine. | |
sangaku | 算額 (kanji)pronunciation | A ema that wrote mathematical solutions and problems. | |
sansho | 山椒 (kanji)pronunciation | Japanese pepper. | |
sarakin | サラ金 (katakana + kanji)pronunciation | Meaning usury. | |
sashimi | 刺身 (kanji)pronunciation | A Japanese foods consisting of fresh raw seafood. | |
satori | 悟り (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | A Japanese Buddhist term for awakening, "comprehension; understanding". | |
satsumaage | さつま揚げ (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Deep‐fried minced fish and vegetables. | |
sayonara | さよなら (hiragana)pronunciation | Meaning "goodbye". | |
sekihan | 赤飯 (kanji)pronunciation | Rice dyed red with red beans. | |
sekuhara | セクハラ (katakana)pronunciation | Abbreviation of sexual harassment. | |
sembei | 煎餅 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
sembazuru | 千羽鶴 (kanji)pronunciation | Thousand origami cranes. A group of one thousand origami paper cranes held together by strings. | |
sempai | 先輩 (kanji)pronunciation | People who first entered group or organization. | |
sencha | 煎茶 (kanji)pronunciation | Japanese green tea. | |
sengiri daikon | 千切り大根 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Julienne Japanese radish. | |
senja fuda | 千社札 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
senryû | 川柳 (kanji)pronunciation | A Japanese form of short poetry similar to haiku. | |
sensu | 扇子 (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | The fan folding portable. | |
sentô | 銭湯 (kanji)pronunciation | Baths facility of pay. | |
seppuku | 切腹 (kanji)pronunciation | Disembowelment. Also called "harakiri". | |
setsuden | 節電 (kanji)pronunciation | Saving of electricity. | |
setta | 雪駄 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
shabushabu | しゃぶしゃぶ (hiragana)pronunciation | A Japanese nabemono hotpot dish of thinly sliced meat and vegetables boiled in water. | |
shachihoko | 鯱、しゃちほこ (kanji, hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
shakuhachi | 尺八 (kanji)pronunciation | Whistle bamboo. | |
sha-mail | 写メール (kanji + katakana)pronunciation | Photograph to send with a cell-phone. | |
shamisen | 三味線 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
shiatsu | 指圧 (kanji)pronunciation | Massage technique to push body with fingers. | |
shibainu | 柴犬 (kanji)pronunciation | Typical Japanese dog. | |
Shichifukujin | 七福神 (kanji)pronunciation | The Seven Gods which bring the good luck. | |
shichimi tôgarashi | 七味唐辛子 (kanji)pronunciation | Seven flavor chili pepper. A common Japanese spice mixture containing seven ingredients. | |
shikki | 漆器 (kanji)pronunciation | Meaning "Japan lacquerware". | |
shikoku hachijûhakkasho reijô meguri | 四国八十八箇所霊場廻り (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Visiting eighty-eight holy places in Shikoku sacred place. | |
shimekazari | 注連飾り、しめ飾り (kanji + hiragana, hiragana + kanji + hiragana) pronunciation | ![]() | |
shimenawa | 注連縄、しめ縄 (kanji, hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Thick rope in the shrine. | |
shinai | 竹刀 (kanji)pronunciation | Wooden sword to be used in "Kendô". | |
shintô | 神道 (kanji)pronunciation | The native religion of Japan. | |
shirasuboshi | しらす干し (hiragana + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Boiled and dried young anchovies. | |
shiratamako | 白玉粉 (kanji)pronunciation | Rice flour for dumplings. | |
shiruko | 汁粉 (kanji)pronunciation | Sweet red‐bean soup with rice cake. | |
shîsâ | シーサー (katakana)pronunciation | Amulets in the shape of the beast. | |
shishimai | 獅子舞 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
shishiodoshi | ししおどし、鹿威し (hiragana, kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
shiso | シソ、紫蘇 (katakana, kanji)pronunciation | Asian culinary herb, seed (spice). | |
shîtake | シイタケ、椎茸 (katakana, kanji)pronunciation | A kind of edible mushroom. It has been cultivated in East Asia. | |
sho | 書 (kanji)pronunciation | Japanese calligraphy. | |
shô | 笙 (kanji)pronunciation | A Japanese reed musical instrument. | |
shôchû | 焼酎 (kanji)pronunciation | One of the spirits of Japan. | |
shodô | 書道 (kanji)pronunciation | Art of Japanese calligraphy. | |
shôene | 省エネ (kanji + katakana)pronunciation | Reduction of energy consumption. | |
shôga | 生姜 (kanji)pronunciation | Meaning "Ginger". | |
shôgi | 将棋 (kanji)pronunciation | A two-player board game. The game uses Small pieces of wood of the pentagon. | |
shôgun | 将軍 (kanji)pronunciation | Commander in chief of the Japanese army. | |
shôji | 障子 (kanji)pronunciation | One of the door of Japan. It is affixed thin paper to wooden frame. | |
shôka | 唱歌 (kanji)pronunciation | Songs that was published on the assumption that children are taught in schools. | |
shokugan | 食玩 (kanji)pronunciation | Toys associated with foods. | |
shôyu | 醤油 (kanji)pronunciation | Meaning "soy sauce". | |
shôyudai | 醤油鯛 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
shuriken | 手裏剣 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
soba | 蕎麦、ソバ (kanji, katakana)pronunciation | A type of thin Japanese noodle made from buckwheat flour. | |
sômen | 素麺、そうめん (kanji, hiragana)pronunciation | Thin "udon". | |
sonzaikan | 存在感 (kanji)pronunciation | People and things that certainly make you feel that you are there. | |
soroban | 算盤、そろばん (kanji, hiragana)pronunciation | Tools for calculating. | |
sôzai | 惣菜 (kanji)pronunciation | Side dishes that are issued to the meal time of day-to-day. | |
subuta | 酢豚 (kanji)pronunciation | Sweet and sour pork cuisine. | |
sudare | すだれ、簾 (hiragana, kanji)pronunciation | Japanese screens or blinds. | |
sûdoku | 数独 (kanji)pronunciation | A logic-based number-placement puzzle. | |
suiseki | 水石 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
sukiyaki | すき焼き、スキヤキ (hiragana + kanji + hiragana.katakana) pronunciation | Food was Braised beef and vegetables. | |
sumô | 相撲 (kanji)pronunciation | Japanese-style wrestling. Fat man of the two men fight In the round ring. | |
surimi | すり身 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Fish that be crushed into a paste. | |
surume | スルメ (katakana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
sushi | 寿司、鮨、スシ (kanji, kanji, katakana) pronunciation | Food which is a combination of raw seafood in vinegar rice. | |
T | tabi | 足袋 (kanji)pronunciation | Traditional Japanese socks. |
taiyaki | タイ焼き (katakana + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
Taiyô no tô | 太陽の塔 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
Takarazienne | タカラジェンヌ (katakana)pronunciation | Women devoted to Takarazuka actress. | |
takenoko | タケノコ、筍 (katakana, kanji)pronunciation | Young bamboo, which is edible. | |
takoyaki | たこ焼き (hiragana + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
tanabata | 七夕 (kanji)pronunciation | The Star Festival held on July 7. Children make a wish for the stars. | |
tanka | 短歌 (kanji)pronunciation | A classical Japanese verse form. Also known as waka. | |
tanuki | 狸、タヌキ (kanji, katakana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
tarako | タラコ、鱈子 (katakana, kanji)pronunciation | A salted roe food. | |
tare | タレ (katakana)pronunciation | Seasoning soy. | |
tatami | 畳 (kanji)pronunciation | A traditional type of Japanese flooring. | |
tecchiri | てっちり (hiragana)pronunciation | A type of Japanese dish consisting of globefish boiled in a pot. | |
teishoku | 定食 (kanji)pronunciation | Cooking course off-the-shelf. | |
tekkamaki | 鉄火巻き (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Vinegared rice rolled around a slice of tuna and covered with dried seaweed. | |
tempura | 天ぷら、天婦羅、テンプラ (kanji + hiragana, kanji, katakana) pronunciation | ![]() | |
tendon | 天丼 (kanji)pronunciation | Tempura bowl. | |
tengu | 天狗 (kanji)pronunciation | Long nose monster that is face red. | |
tennen | 天然 (kanji)pronunciation | The natural character that became blockhead. | |
tennô | 天皇 (kanji)pronunciation | The symbolic king of Japan. He does not maintain political power. | |
tenshukaku | 天守閣 (kanji)pronunciation | Meaning "donjon". | |
teppanyaki | 鉄板焼き (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | A style of Japanese cuisine that uses an griddle to cook food. | |
teriyaki | 照り焼き (kanji + hiragana + kanji + hiragana) pronunciation | Foods baked while applying sauce. | |
tobidashi-kun | 飛び出し君 (kanji + hiragana + kanji + hiragana+ kanji) pronunciation | ![]() | |
tôfu | 豆腐 (kanji)pronunciation | A food made by coagulating soy milk, and then pressing the resulting curds into blocks. | |
tôji | 杜氏 (kanji)pronunciation | A sake brew-master. | |
tokkô | 特攻 (kanji)pronunciation | A military unit known for conducting kamikaze attacks. | |
tokoroten | 心太、ところてん (kanji, hiragana)pronunciation | A dish in Japanese cuisine made from agar substance extracted from seaweeds by boiling. | |
tondemo | トンデモ (katakana)pronunciation | Meaning outrageous. | |
tonjiru | 豚汁 (kanji)pronunciation | Japanese cuisine with stewed pork and vegetables. Also called 'butajiru'. | |
tonkatsu | 豚カツ、トンカツ (kanji + katakana, katakana)pronunciation | A Cutlet of pork. | |
tonkotsu | 豚骨、とんこつ (kanji, hiragana)pronunciation | Bone of pig to be used in the soup. | |
torî | 鳥居 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
toro | トロ (katakana)pronunciation | Fatty tuna meat. | |
tôrô | 燈籠、灯籠 (kanji, kanji)pronunciation | A traditional lantern made of stone or wood. | |
tôrô nagashi | 灯籠流し (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Ritual put a paper lantern on the river. | |
tororo | とろろ (hiragana)pronunciation | Grated yam. | |
tsukemen | つけ麺 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Generic term for noodles to eat by immersion in liquid seasoning. | |
tsukemono | 漬け物、漬物 (kanji + hiragana + kanji, kanji)pronunciation | Pickled Vegetables. | |
tsukimi | 月見 (kanji)pronunciation | Japanese festivals honoring the autumn moon. | |
tsukimi dango | 月見団子 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
tsukkomi | ツッコミ (katakana)pronunciation | Sharp teasing for words blurred. | |
tsukudani | 佃煮 (kanji)pronunciation | Small seafood that has been simmered in soy sauce and mirin. | |
tsukumogami | 九十九神 (kanji)pronunciation | Monsters of an old miscellaneous goods. | |
tsukune | つくね (hiragana)pronunciation | Dumpling of rounding to knead the meat. | |
tsukushi | つくし、土筆 (hiragana, kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
tsunami | 津波 (kanji)pronunciation | Big waves that attacked from the sea. | |
tsurishinobu | つりしのぶ、釣り忍 (hiragana, kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
U | uchiwa | 団扇、うちわ (kanji, hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() |
udo | 独活、うど (kanji, hiragana)pronunciation | Aralia cordata. A Japanese celery. | |
udon | 饂飩、うどん (kanji, hiragana)pronunciation | A type of thick wheat-flour noodle popular in Japanese cuisine. | |
uirô | ういろう、外郎 (hiragana, kanji)pronunciation | Steamed cake using rice flour. | |
uukiyoe | 浮世絵 (kanji)pronunciation | A woodblock print of Edo period. | |
umami | 旨味 (kanji)pronunciation | One of the five basic tastes sensed by specialized receptor cells present on the human tongue. | |
ume | 梅 (kanji)pronunciation | Japanese apricot (plum) tree. | |
umeboshi | 梅干し (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Pickled ume. | |
umeshu | 梅酒 (kanji)pronunciation | A Japanese liqueur made from steeping ume in alcohol and sugar. | |
uni | 雲丹、ウニ (kanji, katakana)pronunciation | Sea urchins. Sea chestnuts. Salted ovary of sea urchin is a delicious food. | |
urushi | 漆 (kanji)pronunciation | Meaning "japan lacquer". It is used as a paint for crafts. | |
uzai | うざい (hiragana)pronunciation | An appearance is cheerless. | |
W | wabisabi | わびさび (hiragana)pronunciation | A comprehensive Japanese world view or aesthetic centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. |
wadaiko | 和太鼓 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
wafuku | 和服 (kanji)pronunciation | The traditional Japanese clothing. Kimonos. | |
wagashi | 和菓子 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
waka | 和歌 (kanji)pronunciation | A classical Japanese verse form and one of the major genres of Japanese literature. Tanka. | |
wakame | 若布、ワカメ (kanji, katakana)pronunciation | A type of edible kelp. | |
warabeuta | 童歌、わらべ歌 (kanji, hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Traditional Japanese songs, similar to nursery rhymes. They are often sung as part of traditional children's games. | |
warabi | わらび、蕨 (hiragana, kanji)pronunciation | Bracken (Pteridium). | |
warabi mochi | わらび餅 (hiragana + kanji, kanji)pronunciation | A jelly-like confection made from bracken starch. | |
waraji | 草鞋、わらじ (kanji, hiragana)pronunciation | Sandals made of straw rope. | |
waribashi | 割り箸 (kanji + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
warikan | 割り勘 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | Dutch treat. Equal split. | |
wasabi | 山葵、わさび (kanji,hiragana)pronunciation | Japanese horseradish. | |
wasan | 和算 (kanji)pronunciation | Mathematics that evolved independently in Japan. | |
washi | 和紙 (kanji)pronunciation | The paper of Japan by traditional manufacturing methods. | |
washoku | 和食 (kanji)pronunciation | Japanese traditional meal. An example: Soba, sashimi. | |
Y | yabusame | 流鏑馬 (kanji)pronunciation | Horseback archery. |
yakiimo | 焼き芋 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | A baked sweet potato. | |
yakitori | 焼き鳥 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation | A Japanese type of skewered chicken. Barbecued chicken. | |
yakuza | やくざ、ヤクザ (hiragana,katakana)pronunciation | Members of traditional organized crime groups in Japan, and also known as the "violence group". | |
yatai | 屋台 (kanji)pronunciation | A portable stall. | |
yamaboko | 山鉾 (kanji)pronunciation | The decorated wooden cars. They march in the Gion Festival. | |
yamato-damashii | 大和魂 (kanji)pronunciation | Guts of Japanese. | |
yaoi | やおい (hiragana)pronunciation | A popular term for fictional media that focuses on homosexual male relationships. | |
yatsuhashi | 八ツ橋 (kanji + katakana + kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
Yen | 円 (kanji)pronunciation | The currency of Japan. | |
yôkai | 妖怪 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
yôkan | 羊羹 (kanji)pronunciation | A thick jellied dessert made of red bean paste, agar, and sugar. | |
yomise | 夜店 (kanji)pronunciation | The stand which forms a line in the precincts of the Shinto shrine at the night of the festival. | |
yose | 寄席 (kanji)pronunciation | Variety hall. Vaudeville theater. | |
yubikiri genman | 指切りげんまん (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Pinkie promiss. | |
yukata | 浴衣 (kanji)pronunciation | A Japanese summer garment. | |
yunomi | 湯呑み、湯のみ (kanji + hiragana, kanji + hiragana) pronunciation | Mug of Japan. | |
yuri | 百合 (kanji)pronunciation | A Japanese jargon term for content and a genre involving love between women in manga, anime, and related Japanese media. | |
yurizoku | 百合族 (kanji)pronunciation | Meaning "Lesbians". | |
yurukyara | ゆるキャラ (hiragana + katakana)pronunciation | ![]() | |
yûsuzumi | 夕涼み (kanji + hiragana)pronunciation | Enjoying the cool of the evening. | |
yuzu | 柚子、ユズ (kanji, katakana)pronunciation | A citrus fruit originating in East Asia. | |
Z | zabuton | 座布団 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() |
Zashiki warashi | 座敷童、ざしきわらし (kanji, hiragana)pronunciation | Specter settling down in the house. | |
zazen | 座禅 (kanji)pronunciation | Spiritual practice that is carried out by sitting. | |
zen | 禅 (kanji)pronunciation | The word is sect of Buddhism, but used interchangeably with "Zen" in the current. | |
zenzai | ぜんざい、善哉 (hiragana,kanji)pronunciation | Red bean soup. The soup contains rice cake. | |
zôni | 雑煮 (kanji)pronunciation | A Japanese soup containing rice cakes. Family eat on New Year's Day. | |
zôri | 草履 (kanji)pronunciation | ![]() | |
zôsui | 雑炊 (kanji)pronunciation | Risotto of Japan. A porridge of rice and vegetables. |